わたしは涙する 死んだアドネイスのために
おお 涙せよ! たとえ我らの涙が
そして汝 失われたものを嘆くために
ほかの時を呼び起こして 汝の悲しみを告げよ
あなたはどこへいたのか 大いなる母よ
あなたの息子が 暗黒の槍に刺されて倒れたときに
また孤高のウラニアよ あなたはどこにいたのか
死とは程遠い花々のように そのメロディで
アドネイスを飾り 死の重荷を遠ざけて欲しい
涙せよ 死んだアドネイスのために!
目覚めよ 悲しみの母よ 目覚めよ そして涙せよ!
いやそれも詮無きこと 火のように燃える涙を鎮め
悲しみに高鳴る心を アドネイスの心のように
ものいわぬ あきらめの眠りにつかしめよ
アドネイスは死んだのだ 賢者たちが行く世界に行ったのだ
死はアドネイスの声を閉ざし 我らの悲しみを嘲笑する
Adonais - An Elegy on the Death of John Keats by Percy Shelley
I weep for Adonais--he is dead!
Oh, weep for Adonais! though our tears
Thaw not the frost which binds so dear a head!
And thou, sad Hour, selected from all years
To mourn our loss, rouse thy obscure compeers,
And teach them thine own sorrow, say: "With me
Died Adonais; till the Future dares
Forget the Past, his fate and fame shall be
An echo and a light unto eternity!"
Where wert thou, mighty Mother, when he lay,
When thy Son lay, pierc'd by the shaft which flies
In darkness? where was lorn Urania
When Adonais died? With veiled eyes,
'Mid listening Echoes, in her Paradise
She sate, while one, with soft enamour'd breath,
Rekindled all the fading melodies,
With which, like flowers that mock the corse beneath,
He had adorn'd and hid the coming bulk of Death.
Oh, weep for Adonais--he is dead!
Wake, melancholy Mother, wake and weep!
Yet wherefore? Quench within their burning bed
Thy fiery tears, and let thy loud heart keep
Like his, a mute and uncomplaining sleep;
For he is gone, where all things wise and fair
Descend--oh, dream not that the amorous Deep
Will yet restore him to the vital air;
Death feeds on his mute voice, and laughs at our despair.
関連リンク: 英詩のリズム>パーシー・B・シェリー
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